precedence rule

英 [ˈpresɪdəns ruːl] 美 [ˈpresɪdəns ruːl]

网络  优先规则



  1. By workflow, I mean the rules precedence order when evaluating rules ( which rule should be evaluated first?).
  2. In the stage of elastic loading, martensitic phrase transformation, as well as unloading to the precedence of phrase contrary transformation, the rule of hysteresis loop is same as the linear hardening damping force model of mild steel plate damper;
  3. The experiment results show the collaborative control mechanism above proposed takes precedence of the dynamic scheduling in machine groups and the scheduling of heuristic rule in the daily throughput of wafers and the utilization rate of machine groups.
  4. Tabu table is used to deal with precedence and trail mutation rule is introduced to ensure that it is possible to reach the tabu point after tabu broken.
  5. In the socialistic primary periods, productivity is a key for Chinese development, of cause, "efficiency precedence to justice" is a rule in our country.